When commenting on our website and social media communities, let us engage, help others, and give constructive criticism as if we were chatting at our event. Let’s commit to building relationships based on ongoing dialogue and mutual respect.

Please be aware, legal, respectful, and relevant.

Be aware. Buyer beware of secondhand ticket sales. As we know too well, many second-hand ticket sellers on Facebook are fake or hacked. Possible red flags can be if they have no connection to anything local, only follow ticket-selling groups, or only have photos all posted on the same day but look years apart. Don’t hesitate to ask a seller a basic question about the event such as what they like about it or a local topic.

Be legal. Do not post comments that are libellous, defamatory, obscene, abusive or contain otherwise illegal content.

Be respectful. As per our Standards, you should not make others feel unsafe or unwelcome. Posts containing discriminatory language related to ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion, gender, identity, weight, or income level will be removed and the user will be considered for removal from the online group. Lively discussions are welcome but we ask you to practice empathy and gracefully accept different viewpoints. Please be aware of your own cultural bias and share ideas rather than judgements.

Be relevant. Your comments should be on-topic. Contact us first when intending to post topics that are self-promoting. Misinformation will not be tolerated.

This website and related social media accounts are not monitored 24/7. Posts may be moderated and decisions should be considered final.

Contact us for questions or requests.

Please review more guidelines and policies.